To make the young generation aware about the social evil of female foeticide, a play named “Khoo Bolda Hai” was enacted by the actors of ‘Punjabi Sanwad’ in Modern High School on July 23, 2018.
Plastic :A Health Hazard
Students of class VII B presented a skit on July 17,2018 to highlight the irreparable damage to the environment caused by the excessive use of plastic bags in our daily lives. Gaganpreet Kaur ,a student of Class VII B gave very useful tips to reduce the use of plastic bags and motivated one and all […]
Wildlife Conservation
Wild life conservation,a lesson based event,was conducted on July 15,2018 by the students of Class VII A. Fatehjot Singh and Amritpal Singh coordinated the various activities viz.talks, presentation and poems. The students expressed their views about the significance of wildlife to maintain the ecological balance on planet Earth.
Yoga Divas
SSSS College of Commerce celebrated the International Yoga Day on June21,2018 at Rose Villa. 50 Participants practised various Asanas and also learnt about health benefits of these asanas.
Community Service
To pay homage to Guru Ajun Dev ji , a chhabeel was arranged by the staff and students of Modern High school campus on May 31, 2018.
Workshop on Finding Women’s Voices
Ms. Kathleen Mulligan, Associate Professor of Voice and Speech, Ithaca College, University of New York conducting a three day workshop on “Finding Women’s Voices” in the Commerce College on May 30, 2018 . Dr. Payal, the coordinator, informed that total 30 participants attended this workshop and learnt the various techniques for effective speech and confidence building. Dr. […]
Tree Plantation
Tree Plantation Day was celebrated by the NSS Unit of the Commerce College held on May 28, 2018 at SSSS Complex, Mata Kaula Marg, Amritsar.
Science Quiz
To develop the logical and scientific aptitude among the students, a science quiz competition was organized in Modern High School on May 26, 2018 for the science students of class XI and XII.
Splash Pool
Summer is the perfect time for Splash. The Little Angels of Nursery class of Buds’ charm put their swim suits on and enjoyed the splash to beat the heat of scorching sun on May 23 & 24, 2018.
Mother’s Day Celebration
Poems are the best ways to pour the failures of heart. Tiny tots recited poems on Mother’s Day to show their love and respect for them on May 16, 2018.