As per the tradition Bhog of Sehaj Path was performed in SSSS College of Commerce for Women, Amritsar on September 1, 2019. The program started with the recital of Sri Japji Sahib and Chaupai Sahib. Students also chanted soulful hymns from Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Ardas was intoned to seek the blessings of Waheguru. S. […]
Poetry Recitation Competition
A Poetry Recitation competition was organized by English Literary Club of Modern High School on August 30, 2019. Participants from class IX and X were adjudged on the basis of confidence; voice modulation, Accuracy and their overall performance .Winners were awarded prizes and certificates of merit in the end
National Sports Day
On the eve of National Sports day, an Inter-class football match was held at Modern High School on August 29, 2019. Team of class XII beat team of class XI 4-1 in the final match. Director S. Jagdish Singh lauded the performances of both the teams.
Live Telecast of ‘Fit India Movement’
The NSS Unit of SSSS College of Commerce for Women, Amritsar organised live telecast of ‘FIT INDIA MOVEMENT’ on August 29, 2019. This movement has been launched as a part of National Sports Day celebrations at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiated his speech by paying tribute to Major […]
Commerce Festival
An Inter School Vyapar Jankar Commerce Festival was held at Delhi Public School on August 27, 2019. Students of class XI and XII participated in various events like Elocution, Debate, Group Discussion, PPT etc. In the end, students were awarded with certificates of participation.
Science Exhibition
Science Forum of Modern High School organized a Science Exhibition on August 27, 2019. Students of classes VIII to XII presented working models on themes viz. rain water harvesting, Hydraulic process , life process, production of electricity, electric current etc. Director S. Jagdish Singh, Dr. Manmohan Singh and Principal S. Gurpreet Singh appreciated the efforts […]
Listening Activity
A Listening Activity was conducted by the English Literary Club for the students of class VIII to XII on August 22, 2019. The activity aimed to test the listening skills of students during interpersonal, instructional and academic communication.
Social Science Quiz Competition
Social Science club organized a quiz for the students of class X on August 22, 2019. Four teams named Geologists, Archeologist, Historians and Economists participated in the contest. The quiz covered various aspects of logical, Historical, Psychological life of the people.
Mathematics Quiz
Mathematics quiz was conducted at Modern High School on August 20, 2019. Students of class VIII formed the four team’s viz. Histogram, Bar graph, Pie chart and line graph. The quiz aimed at assessing the analytical reasoning of the students.
Punjabi Creative Writing Competition
Likhari Sabha of Modern High School organized a creative writing competition in Punjabi Language on Aug 03, 2019 There were 45 students from classes IX and X participated and presented novel ideas in the form of poetry, essay and story writing.